Health effects of coffee: Where do we stand?

#coffee #caffeine 

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Why animals, sunsets and coffee make us happy

Whether it’s the Starbucks barista spelling your name right, working from home in your Wonder Woman pajamas or the smell of freshly cut grass, we all have our “little things” that make our day. CNN invited readers to tell us about the small moments that make them happy.

#coffee #caffeine 

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Researchers retract study supporting diet pills promoted by Dr. Oz

Dr. Mehmet Oz has been under fire recently for promoting weight loss products on TV’s “The Dr. Oz Show” that aren’t backed by a lot of scientific evidence. Now a study supporting one of those products, diet pills made with green coffee bean extract, has been withdrawn by its lead researchers.

#coffee #caffeine

New link between coffee and DNA

You can blame that third cup of Joe on your genes.

#coffee #caffeine 

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